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2024-08-01 hits:0 source:corten steel fabricators

  How to prevent spots from appearing on aluminum alloy die-casting parts

  Aluminum alloy die-casting parts are one of the most common types of die-casting parts. Due to the special nature of the material, aluminum alloy die-casting parts are prone to defects during the production process, making production more complicated. From time to time, problems such as porosity, sand holes, spots, etc. may occur. Do you want to know how to prevent spots from appearing on aluminum alloy die-casting parts? Please read down.

  There are two types of spots produced during the die-casting process of aluminum alloy die-casting parts: oil spots and black spots. The reason for this situation is often due to impure or excessive use of coatings during die-casting. Regardless of what is used, it should be in moderation, even if it is "Mao Grandpa". Excessive coating will cause coating accumulation, which cannot be evenly distributed on the surface of aluminum alloy die-casting parts, resulting in oil spots; Excessive graphite content in the coating can cause black spots.

  To prevent spots from appearing on aluminum alloy die-casting parts, it is necessary to apply the coating evenly and blow away excess coating with compressed air. Additionally, coatings with low or no graphite content should be selected.

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