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precision metal stamping manufacturer.How do aluminum alloy die casting manufacturers deal with mold on the surface of die casting parts

2024-03-27 hits:0 source:corten steel fabricators


  In aluminum alloy die casting manufacturers, mold will appear on the surface of die casting, which needs to be treated with measures, otherwise the quality of die casting will be affected, so how to deal with mold on the surface of die casting?

  Die casting surface mildew is caused by many factors, including the chemical properties of aluminum, environmental factors, process factors, etc., aluminum is a lively metal, easy to oxidize or mold under certain conditions, and the environmental reasons, the storage of the warehouse has problems, the storage of different places, the mold situation is different, and finally the process factors, Die casting in the subsequent quality inspection and cleaning practices are not in place, leading to the growth of mildew. Then, the practice of aluminum alloy die casting manufacturers is that the die casting parts should be sealed and packaged to prevent oxidation in the air, the storage environment of the die casting parts should be dry, the accumulation should be placed neatly, and finally, if there are no special requirements, the acid cleaning agent should be used as little as possible.

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